1988 中国科学院生物物理研究所获博士学位。
1989 - 1993 在美国康乃尔大学和北达科他州立大学从事博士后研究。
1993 回国任生物物理研究所研究员至今。
1997 当选为中国科学院院士。
1. Li-Sha Zheng, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jia-Wei Wu, Zhenguo Wu, Zhong-Yin Zhang,Zhi-Xin Wang, A continuous spectrophotometric assay for mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases,Anal. Biochem. 2012 421 191-197
2. Hongwei Yao, Yingang Feng, Tao Zhou, Jinfeng Wang,Zhi-Xin Wang, NMR Studies of the Interaction between Human Programmed Cell Death 5 and Human p53,Biochemistry2012 51 2684-2693
3. Tian Xie, Ruobing Ren, Yuan-yuan Zhang, Yuxuan Pang, Chuangye Yan, Xinqi Gong, Yuan He, Wenqi Li, Di Miao, Qi Hao, Haiteng Deng,Zhixin Wang, Jia-Wei Wu, Nieng Yan, Molecular Mechanism for Inhibition of a Critical Component in the Arabidopsis thaliana Abscisic Acid Signal Transduction Pathways, SnRK2.6, by Protein Phosphatase ABI1,J. Biol. Chem. 2012 287 794-802
4. Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jia-Wei Wu, Zhi-Xin Wang, Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Phosphatase 3-mediated Cross-talk between MAPKs ERK2 and p38,J. Biol. Chem. 2011 286
5. Jue Wang, Jia-Wei Wu, Zhi-Xin Wang, Mechanistic Studies of the Autoactivation of PAK2, A TWO-STEP MODEL OF CIS INITIATION FOLLOWED BY TRANS AMPLIFICATION,J. Biol. Chem. 2011 286 2689-2695
6. Yi-Tong Liu, Qiong-Jie Dan, Jiawei Wang, Yingang Feng, Lei Chen, Juan Liang, Qinxi Li, Sheng-Cai Lin,Zhi-Xin Wang, Jia-Wei Wu, Molecular Basis of Wnt Activation via the DIX Domain Protein Ccd1,J. Biol. Chem. 2011 286 8597-8608
7. Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jia-Wei Wu,Zhi-Xin Wang, A Distinct Interaction Mode Revealed by the Crystal Structure of the Kinase p38a with the MAPK Binding Domain of the Phosphatase MKP5,Sci. Signal. 2011 4
8. Jue Wang, Jia-Wei Wu,Zhi-Xin Wang, Structural Insights into the Autoactivation Mechanism of p21-Activated Protein Kinase ,Structure2011 19 1752-1761
9. Lei Chen, Zhi-Hao Jiao, Li-Sha Zheng, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Shu-Tao Xie,Zhi-Xin Wang, Jia-Wei Wu1, Structural insight into the autoinhibition mechanism of AMP-activated protein kinase,Nature2009 459 1146-U139
10. Rui Hao,a Lei Chen,b Jia-Wei Wub,Zhi-Xin Wang, Structure of Drosophila Mad MH2 domain,Acta Crystallogr. F- 2008 64 986-990
王志新 院士 研究员 博士生导师
电 话:010-64889890