Tao Xu
Ph.D, Prof., CASM
Principal Investigator National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, IBP
Research Interests: To identify key proteins and regulatory mechanisms involved in the docking, priming and fusion of different secretary vesicles; To develop novel super-resolution imaging tools in combination with spectroscopic, biophysical and electron microscopy techniques.
Email: xutao@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64888524
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
1988 - 1992 B.S. in Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1992 - 1996 Ph.D. in Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1996 - 1999 Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany
1999 - 2000 Senior Fellow, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington, USA
2000 - 2003 Professor, Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2003 - Professor, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Awards
1997-1999 Max-Planck-Institute Fellowship
2000 Cheung Kong Scholars, China
2001/2002 Li Foundation Heritage Prize, USA
2004 Expert entitled to Government Special Allowance
2004 Young expert with outstanding contributions
2006 The 10th May 4th Youth Medal, China
2007 Young Affiliate, TWAS
2008 National Natural Science Award (the Second Class), China
- Membership in Academies & Societies
2008 - Editorial Board Vice-Chair, Biochemical Journal
2007 - Editorial Board Member, Journal of Biological Chemistry
2006 - 2010 Associate Chairman, the Biophysical Society of China
2006 - 2010 Chairman, Membrane and Cellular Biophysics Committee of the Biophysical Society of China
2004 - Invited Editor, Chinese Science Bulletin
- Research Interests
Our studies focus on two aspects: one is to identify key proteins and regulatory mechanisms involved in the docking, priming and fusion of different secretary vesicles, particularly large dense-core vesicles (DCVs) and GLUT4 storage vesicles (GSVs). The other is to develop novel super-resolution imaging tools, in combination with spectroscopic, biophysical and electron microscopy techniques.
1. We maintain our focus on regulated exocytosis involved in blood glucose regulation, trying to elucidate the key molecular events involved in insulin release. We are now approaching this goal in a systematical way by combining a variety of techniques taken from different scientific fields and assessing protein function from molecule to system level. For example, by constructing protein mutants and RNA interference, we explore roles of multiple proteins in distinct exocytotic processes; then we combine techniques like optical imaging, electrophysiology and biological chemistry to study the co-localization, function and interaction of these proteins at cellular level; in the end, we employ gene knockout and transgenetic animals to study the function of certain protein at system level.
2. Another direction is to develop new methods to improve the performance of currently used diffraction-unlimited microscopy especially in spatial resolution, temporal resolution and labeling technology. We are generating novel algorithms for super-resolution microscopy with higher resolution and accuracy. We are also developing instruments for near-molecular resolution optical microscopy, capable of imaging intracellular proteins with nanometer resolution and determining the static structural relationship between two or more proteins of interest at the molecular level.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Liqing Liu, Shuxin Yang, Yang Liu, Xixia Li, Junjie Hu*, Li Xiao* andTao Xu*, DeepContact: High-throughput quantification of membrane contact sites based on electron microscopy imaging.Journal of Cell Biology2022, 221(9): e2021061900.
2. Min Li, Fengping Feng, Han Feng, Pengkai Hu, Yanhong Xue,Tao Xu*, Eli Song*, VAMP4 regulates insulin levels by targeting secretory granules to lysosomes.Journal of Cell Biology2022, 221(10):e202110164.
3. Wang, L.; Liu, H.; Zhang, X.; Song, E.; Wang, Y.;Xu, T.*; Li, Z.*, WFS1 functions in ER export of vesicular cargo proteins in pancreatic β-cells.Nature communications2021, 12 (1), 6996.
4. Lusheng Gu, Yuanyuan Li, Shuwen Zhang, Maoge Zhou, Yanhong Xue, Weixing Li,Tao Xu*and Wei Ji*, Molecular-scale axial localization by repetitive optical selective exposure,Nature Methods2021, 18: 369-373.
5. Zhifei Fu, Dingming Peng, Mingshu Zhang*, Fudong Xue, Rui Zhang, Wenting He,Tao Xu*and Pingyong Xu*, mEosEM withstands osmium staining and Epon embedding for super-resolution CLEM,Nature Methods2020,17:(55-58).
6. Mingshu Zhang, Zhifei Fu, Changqing Li, Anyuan Liu, Dingming Peng, Fudong Xue, Wenting He, Shan Gao, Fan Xu, Dan Xu, Ling Yuan, Fa Zhang, Zhiheng Xu,Tao Xu*, Pingyong Xu*, Fast super-resolution imaging technique and immediate early nanostructure capturing by a photo-convertible fluorescent protein,Nano Letters2020, 20(4): 2197-2208.
7. Lusheng Gu, Yuanyuan Li, Shuwen Zhang, Yanhong Xue, Weixing Li, Dong Li,Tao Xu*, Wei Ji*, Molecular resolution imaging by repetitive optical selective exposure (ROSE),Nature Methods2019,16(11):1114-1118
8. Wenjuan Zou, Jiajun Fu, Haining Zhang, Kang Du, Wenming Huang, Junwei Yu, Shitian Li, Yuedan Fan, Howard A. Baylis, Shangbang Gao, Rui Xiao, Wei Ji*, Lijun Kang* andTao Xu*. Decoding the intensity of sensory input by two glutamate receptors in oneC. elegansinterneuron.Nature Communications2018, 9:4311.
9. Zonghong Li, Maoge Zhou, Zhaokui Cai, Wen Zhong, Qiang Hao, Dongwan Chen, Xihao Hu, Junjie Hou, Pingyong Xu, Yuanchao Xue, Yifa Zhou,Tao Xu*. RNA binding protein DDX1 is responsible for fatty acid mediated repression of insulin translation.Nucleic Acids Research2018. 1-16.
(From Tao Xu, December 20, 2022)