Lin Chen
Ph.D, Prof., CASM
Principal Investigator State Key Laboratory of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, IBP
Research Interests: Experimental psychology, cognitive science, and human brain mapping
Email: lchen@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64888565
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
1964 - 1970 Undergraduate study, Department of Biophysics, University of Science and Technology of China
1980 - 1983 Visiting scholar and Sloan Foundation postdoctoral fellow, University of California, San Diego, and at Irvine
1985 - 2000 Professor, University of Science and Technology of China
1986 - 2008 Professor and Director, Beijing Laboratory of Cognitive Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
1988 - 1993 Guest professor, University of Regensburg and Munich
2002 - 2004 Adjunct investigator, National Institute of Mental Health, US
2003 - Director of Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research
2006 - Director, State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science (Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2008 - Professor, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Awards
Elected Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2003.
“Outstanding Scientist Prize” by Qiushi Science & Technology Foundation in 2004.
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
Experimental psychology, cognitive science, and human brain mapping, particularly visual cognition.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. He LX, Zhou K, Zhou TG, He S,Chen L. ( 2015).Topology-defined units in numerosity perception.PNAS, E5648-E5655.
2. Zhou, K., Huan, L., Zhou T.G., Zhuo Y., andChen, L. (2010). Topological change disturbs object continuity in attentive tracking.PNAS, 107(50), 21920-21924.
3. Wang, B., Zhou, T.G., Zhuo, Y., andChen, L. (2007).Global Topological Dominance in the Left Hemisphere.PNAS, 104, 21014-21019.
4.Chen, L. (2005). The topological approach to perceptual organization (invited lead paper).Visual Cognition, 12, 553-637.
5. Zhuo, Y., Zhou, T.G., Rao, H.Y., Wang, J.J., Meng, M., Chen, M., Zhou, C.,Chen, L. (2003). Contributions of the visual ventral pathway to long-range apparent motion.Science, 299, 417-420.
6.Chen, L., Zhang, S.W., Srinivasan M. (2003). Global perception in small brains: Topological pattern recognition in honeybees.PNAS, 100, 6884-6889.
7.Chen, L. (1982). Topological structure in visual perception.Science, 218, 699-700.
(From Lin Chen, April 27, 2018)