1997 - 2002 中国科学技术大学,生物科学,理学学士;计算机科学与技术(双),工学学士
2004 - 2007 中国科学院昆明动物研究所,动物学,博士
2007 - 2012 美国国立精神卫生研究所,博士后
2012 - 2016 美国国立精神卫生研究所,Research Fellow
2016.8 - 至今 中国科学院生物物理研究所脑与认知科学国家重点实验室,研究员
1. Liu N*, Behrmann M, Turchi JN, Avidan G, Hadj-Bouziane F, Ungerleider LG. Bidirectional and parallel relationships in macaque face circuit revealed by fMRI and causal pharmacological inactivation.Nature Communications. (2022) 13(1):6787.
2. Xin Y, Bai T, Zhang T, Chen Y, Wang K, Yu S,Liu N*, Tian Y. Electroconvulsive therapy modulates critical brain dynamics in major depressive disorder patients.Brain Stimulation. (2021) 15(1):214-225.
3. Li N,Liu N*. The Nonlinear and Gender-Related Relationships of Face Attractiveness and Typicality With Perceived Trustworthiness.Frontiers in Psychology. (2021) 12:2854.
4. Tomeo OB, Ungerleider LG,Liu N*. Preference for Averageness in Faces Does Not Generalize to Non-Human Primates.Front Behav Neurosci. (2017) 11:129
5.Liu N*, Hadj-Bouziane F, Moran R, Ungerleider LG, Ishai A. Facial Expressions Evoke Differential Neural Coupling in Macaques.Cerebral Cortex.(2017) 27(2):1524-1531
6. Zhang H, Japee S, Nolan R, Chu C,Liu N, Ungerleider LG. Face-selective regions differ in their ability to classify facial expressions.Neuroimage.(2016)130:77-90.
7.Liu N*,Hadj-Bouziane F, Jones KB, Turchi JN, Averbeck BB, Ungerleider LG. Oxytocin modulates fMRI responses to facial expression in macaques.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.(2015) 112:E3123-3130.
8. Avidan G, Tanzer M, Hadj-Bouziane F,Liu N, Ungerleider LG, Behrmann M. Selective dissociation between core and extended regions of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia.Cerebral Cortex.(2014) 24:1565-1578.
9.Liu N*,Kriegeskorte N, Mur M, Hadj-Bouziane F, Luh WM, Tootell RB, Ungerleider LG. Intrinsic structure of visual exemplar and category representations in macaque brain.The Journal of Neuroscience.(2013)33:11346-11360.
10. Hadj-Bouziane F,Liu N, Bell AH, Gothard KM, Luh WM, Tootell RB, Murray EA, Ungerleider LG. Amygdala lesions disrupt modulation of functional MRI activity evoked by facial expression in the monkey inferior temporal cortex.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.(2012) 109:E3640-3648.
11. Furl N, Hadj-Bouziane F,Liu N, Averbeck BB, Ungerleider LG. Dynamic and static facial expressions decoded from motion-sensitive areas in the macaque monkey.The Journal of Neuroscience.(2012) 32:15952-15962.
12. Talbot T, Ide D,Liu N, Turchi J. A novel, variable angle guide grid for neuronal activity studies.Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience.(2011) 6:1.
13. Nasr S,Liu N, Devaney KJ, Yue X, Rajimehr R, Ungerleider LG, Tootell RB. Scene-selective cortical regions in human and nonhuman primates.The Journal of Neuroscience.(2011) 31:13771-13785.
14. Wu CW, Vasalatiy O,Liu N, Wu H, Cheal S, Chen DY, Koretsky AP, Griffiths GL, Tootell RB, Ungerleider LG. Development of a MR-visible compound for tracing neuroanatomical connectionsin vivo.Neuron.(2011) 70:229-243.
刘宁 博士 研究员 博士生导师
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