Principal Investigator |

Guohong Li
Email:liguohong(at)sun5(dot)ibp(dot)ac(dot)cn |
Investigator |
Ping Chen
Email:chenping(at)moon(dot)ibp(dot)ac(dot)cn |
Research Associate |
Jicheng Zhao
Email:zzjjcchh(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:Epigenetic mechanisms of histone variants and PRC1 in regulating chromatin structure and gene transcription Education: Research Assistant and Postdoctor Fellow, Institute of Biophysic, CAS, 2013 Ph.D., Peking Union Medical College, 2010 M.S. and B.S.,Harbin Medical University, 2006 |
Jie Shen
Email:ddnes(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:Epigenetic mechanisms of histone variants and histone modifications in early embryonic development Education: Postdoctor Fellow, Peking University, 2015 Ph.D., Peking University, 2012 B.S., Peking University, 2007 |
Research Assistant |
Kehui Wang
Email:wangkehui(at)moon(dot)ibp(dot)ac(dot)cn Research Interest:The mechanism of CENP-A dynamic assembly and deposition on centromeres Education: Ph.D., Nanjing University, 2011 B.S., Shandong University, 2006 |
Guankun Mao
Email:mgk-1985(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:Epigenetic mechanisms of histone variants and histone modifications in early embryonic development Education: Ph.D.,China Agriculture University, 2012 B.S., China Agriculture University, 2006 |
Chaoyang Xiong
Email:xiongcy1984(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:The function of histone variant H3.3 during development Education: Ph.D., Beijing Normal University, 2012 B.S., Beijing Normal University, 2006 |
Postdoctoral Fellows |
Yan Wang
Email:yanwang(at)moon(dot)ibp(dot)ac(dot)cn Research Interest:Role and mechanism of histone variants H2A.Z and H3.3 in regulating PRC2 activity Education: Ph.D., Institute of Biophysics, CAS, 2014 M.S., Huazhong Agriculture University, 2009 B.S., Huazhong Agriculture University, 2007 B.E., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2007 |
Juan Yu
Email:ake909(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:To study chromatin higher-order structure using bioinformatics and computational method Education: Ph.D., China Agriculture University, 2014 B.S., Lanzhou University, 2008
Graduate Students |
Zhouliang Yu
Email:zlyu_joe(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:The mechanism underlying centromere inheritance Education: Ph.D., Institute of Biophysics, CAS M.S., Hebei Normal University, 2009 B.S., Agricultural University of Hebei, 2006
Wenqiang Deng
Email:dengwq09(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:The mechanism of macroH2A affecting gene expression Education: B.S., Shandong University, 2009 |
Junnan Fang
Email:fangjunnan88(at)sina(dot)com Research Interest:The role of CENP-A in the regulation of chromatin structure and function in centromeres Education: B.S., Shandong University, 2009 |
Haizhen Long
Email:longhaizhen(at)moon(dot)ibp(dot)ac(dot)cn Research Interest:Role and mechanism of histone variants H2A.Z in regulating DNA replication Education: B.S., Hunan normal University, 2010
Zengqi Wen
Email:wenzengqi123(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:Epigenetic regulation of hierarchical organization and developmental function of chromatin by Histione variants Education: B.S., Jilin University, 2010 |
Liping Dong
Email:dongliping(at)moon(dot)ibp(dot)ac(dot)cn Research Interest:Cryo-EM study of 30nm chromatin fiber high order structure Education: B.S., Shandong University, 2011 |
Min Wang
Email:wangmin652(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:Roles of histone H2A ubiquitination in higher-order chromatin structure dynamics and transcription regulation Education: B.S., Nanjing Agricultural University, 2011 |
Dan Liang
Email:liangdan312(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:The structural dynamics of nucleosome by using single molecular methods Education: B.S., Jilin University, 2012 |
Cuifang Liu
Email:lcuifang(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:The impact of H2B variants on chromatin structure and function Education: B.S., Shandong Normal University,2012 |
Nai Chen
Email:chn910(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:30nm chromatin structure Education: B.S., University of Science and Technolohy of China, 2013 |
Jun Chen
Email:jc0407(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:Developmental function and dynamic changes of histione variants H3.3 Education: B.S., Huazhong Agriculture University, 2013 |
Luyuan Chang
Email:luyuanch(at)foxmail(dot)com Research Interest:The dynamics of chromatin structure during cell differentiation Education: B.S., Jilin University, 2014 |
Yuting Liu
Email:tzzyt2010(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:The function and regulation of CENP-A on centromers Education: B.S., Hunan Normal University,2014 |
Undergraduate Students |

Wenjun Huang
Emall:Huangwj0713(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:Role of histone H2A ubiquitination in chromatin struture Education: B.S., China Agricultural University, 2015 |
Zhicheng You
Email:yzc937168(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:Recognition mechanism of histone H3.3 and its chaperone Education: B.S., Wuhan Institue of Technology, 2015 |
Xiaoyang Ming
Email:m1924454785(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:The mechanism of centromere assembly Education: B.S.,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2015 |
Joint-Students |
Yang Yang(Co-supervised with Prof Yong Cai in Jilin University)
Email:yy5533620yy(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:The function of chromatin remodelers during pluripotency and development in ESCs Education: M.S., Jilin University, 2013 B.S., Changchun University of Science and Technology, 2010 |
Peitao Zhang(Co-supervised with Prof Xi Wang in Tianjin Medical University)
Email:zptotiger(at)126(dot)com Research Interest:The relationship between histone variants and tumor Education: B.S., Tianjin Medical University, 2014 |
Baowen Zhuo(Co-supervised with Prof Xueqing Xu in Third Military Medical University)
Email:zhuobaowen(at)163(dot)com Research Interest:Regulatory element interaction in mammalian genome and its role in gene regulation Education: B.S., Linyi University, 2014 |