Structural insights into the assembly and energy transfer of the Lhcb9-dependent photosystem I from mossPhyscomitrium patens
Haiyu Sun, Hui Shang, Xiaowei Pan & Mei Li
In plants and green algae, light-harvesting complexes I and II (LHCI and LHCII) constitute the antennae of photosystem I (PSI), thus effectively increasing the cross-section of the PSI core. The mossPhyscomitrium patens(P. patens) represents a well-studied primary land-dwelling photosynthetic autotroph branching from the common ancestor of green algae and land plants at the early stage of evolution.P. patenspossesses at least three types of PSI with different antenna sizes. The largest PSI form (PpPSI-L) exhibits a unique organization found neither in flowering plants nor in algae. Its formation is mediated by theP. patens-specific LHC protein, Lhcb9. While previous studies have revealed the overall architecture ofPpPSI-L, its assembly details and the relationship between differentPpPSI types remain unclear. Here we report the high-resolution structure ofPpPSI-L. We identified 14 PSI core subunits, one Lhcb9, one phosphorylated LHCII trimer and eight LHCI monomers arranged as two belts. Our structural analysis established the essential role of Lhcb9 and the phosphorylated LHCII in stabilizing the complex. In addition, our results suggest thatPpPSI switches between different types, which share identical modules. This feature may contribute to the dynamic adjustment of the light-harvesting capability of PSI under different light conditions.
Structural insights into the assembly and energy transfer of the Lhcb9-dependent photosystem I from mossPhyscomitrium patens,Nat Plants, 12 Jul 2023
Nature Plants, 20 July, 2023, DOI:
Structural insights into the assembly and energy transfer of the Lhcb9-dependent photosystem I from mossPhyscomitrium patens
Haiyu Sun, Hui Shang, Xiaowei Pan & Mei Li
In plants and green algae, light-harvesting complexes I and II (LHCI and LHCII) constitute the antennae of photosystem I (PSI), thus effectively increasing the cross-section of the PSI core. The mossPhyscomitrium patens(P. patens) represents a well-studied primary land-dwelling photosynthetic autotroph branching from the common ancestor of green algae and land plants at the early stage of evolution.P. patenspossesses at least three types of PSI with different antenna sizes. The largest PSI form (PpPSI-L) exhibits a unique organization found neither in flowering plants nor in algae. Its formation is mediated by theP. patens-specific LHC protein, Lhcb9. While previous studies have revealed the overall architecture ofPpPSI-L, its assembly details and the relationship between differentPpPSI types remain unclear. Here we report the high-resolution structure ofPpPSI-L. We identified 14 PSI core subunits, one Lhcb9, one phosphorylated LHCII trimer and eight LHCI monomers arranged as two belts. Our structural analysis established the essential role of Lhcb9 and the phosphorylated LHCII in stabilizing the complex. In addition, our results suggest thatPpPSI switches between different types, which share identical modules. This feature may contribute to the dynamic adjustment of the light-harvesting capability of PSI under different light conditions.